Together We’re Stronger.
Let’s Support the Next Generation.

Our Recommendations

DfE Policy Changes

We recommend consolidating multiple policies into a cohesive policy to enable schools to simplify and effectively deliver personal development
and life skills education with clear outcomes for children.

Introduction of Measurement Framework

We recommend creating a national measurement framework to identify gaps in children's personal development and life skills knowledge. This would enable targeted interventions and quantifiable progress.

Comprehensive Training for Educators

We recommend investing in high-quality training programmes to ensure
that all educators and support staff are equipped to effectively deliver personal development and life skills education.

Committed Funding and Support

We recommend dedicated funding to ensure that schools have access to ongoing professional support and resources to deliver high-quality personal development and life skills education.

Impacting Futures

Personal Development

Schools are in a strong position to support children to develop positively, while creating a lasting impact on the next generation by helping to educate children in areas, such as:

  • emotional regulation and self-care
  • improved self-worth and self-confidence
  • reduced anxiety
  • healthy relationships
  • reduction in teen pregnancies
  • better understanding of nutrition etc.

Our position is that ‘better’ resourced personal development will directly impact on societal issues – but that schools need data to inform their focus.

The Lessons4life campaign seeks to enhance support for schools, empowering them to Evaluate, Educate & Elevate personal development for all children.

Our Three Aims

1. Evaluate

Introduce an assessment to gather children’s personal development knowledge towards the end of primary school.

2. Educate

Find a way to rebalance primary curriculum priorities to make space for teaching personal development effectively.

3. Elevate

Reinvest attributable cost savings on related societal issues made in the longer term into personal development education.

Why Is This Important?

Knife Crime Up 4%

55,008 offences recorded in the year ending September 2024

Children are Obese

Child Obesity Rates Rise

1/4 of 10-to-11-year-olds are obese according to recent public health reports

53% Rise in Crisis Referrals

Child A&E referrals rise by 53% as 600+ children a week reach crisis point

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We could not drive this campaign without our supporters. Thank you to everyone is helping to make change for our children and future generations.